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Besides the thee horizontal work packages of coordination, dissemination and evaluation, there are 5 other work packages:


1. Development of a generic European template for the innovative Urban Health Centre 2.0

2. Development of a plan for the implementation of UHC2.0 for integrated care in 5 pilot cities

3. Implementation of the innovative UHC2.0 providing integrated care in 5 pilot cities

4. Evaluation of the innovative UHC2.0 providing integrated care in 5 pilot cities

5. Integration of results and development of a toolbox for UHC2.0



Hein Raat - Project coordinator

Professor and expert in patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) to include the patient perspective in health care evaluations. He develops, implements, and evaluates how information technology (E-health) empowers patients and (informal) caregivers. He studies the impact of social factors including migrant status and poverty on health. He is actively engaged in exchanges between research, policy, and practice.


Elisa Valía Cotanda - Reseacher


Elisa Valía is an architect by Universitat Politécnica de València (2008) and has got a Master’s Degree in International and European Union Studies at Universitat de València (2014) and an Executive Master in Innovation by Escuela de Organización Industrial de Madrid (2012).

She has taken part in several national and international research projects about energy efficiency, new materials, designing of accessible buildings and sustainability in the use of natural resources. She is involved in Polibienestar team with a proposal of innovative solutions to improve life quality of the elderly.


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