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Workpackage Dissemination

This Work Package is led by AGE Platform Europe together with ELISAN and City of Rotterdam. And takes actions to ensure that the results and deliverables of the project will be made available to the target groups. We will:


  1. Develop a dissemination plan
    With input from all partners a dissemination plan will be developed that outlines key messages, defines communication activities, identifies existing opportunities and details target groups for specific aspects.

  2. Collect information on stakeholders
    We will undertake stakeholder mapping and analysis to identify, segment and prioritise audiences.

  3. Manage this website
    This site will act as the main repository for all materials produced, as well as a key communication platform between partners.

  4. Create promotional materials
    To maximise awareness among interested parties, to capitalise on ongoing oppotunities and to build a legacy, a range of promotional materials will be created during the project. A poster and a leaflet are already available to download.

  5. Organize a dissemination event
    Throughout the lifetime of the project, it is expected that a network of interested parties will be established. A dissemination event that brings these stakeholders together will help to build a legacy for the work and provide further opportunities for collaboration and communication. This event will take place on 18th of May 2017, more information will follow.

  6. Produce attractive and appropriate documents to communicate the results.
    Significant written output is planned by the collaborative team and the intended audiences for these is diverse. We will use the results of the stakeholder mapping and analysis to ensure that documents reach the relevant auidences in an attractive format and include relevant and appropriate content.

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