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Innovation in Care

How to improve quality of life and services for an ageing population?

Photo's of the event can be found here:


Before and during the conference students were active and they made reports, they can be found here.


The Urban Health Centers Europe project together with four leading networks of European authorities working in health and social care: EUROCITIES, ENSA (European Network for Social Authorities) and ELISAN (European Local Inclusion and Social Action Network) and the European Covenant on Demographic Change  have the pleasure to invite you to a two day event entitled “Innovation in care: How to improve quality of life and services for an ageing population?” that will take place in the Committee of the Regions in Brussels on the 18th and 19th of May 2017.


Health and care services in Europe and internationally are under pressure and changes due to the growing demand caused by current social challenges: demographic change, unemployment, poverty, social exclusion and integration. To tackle these challenges, policy makers, regional and local authorities, public and private sectors have to design innovative, integrated and inclusive policies to improve the quality of life of the growing urban ageing population.


A multitude of good examples are being implemented to integrate social and health care by coordinating approaches and combining resources. This event aims to discussing how to scale up innovation and practices promoting people oriented approaches in order to bring tangible benefits for end users, help health and care systems to contain costs and to unlock business opportunities. Specific focus will be put on the efficiency of social protection systems over the life course. Successful experiences will be exchanged in the following strands: Age friendly environments; Integrated care; Smart city strategy for an ageing city.


Making the link with EU key initiatives, such as the Europe 2020 Strategy and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, and which the Sustainable Development Goals, leading international experts and decision makers will be invited present and discuss innovative practices and policies.


The program will include a high level conference followed by working group meetings in the field of the ageing, disability, urban ageing and the covenant of demographic change.  The covenant on demographic change will have their first general meeting on the 19th in the afternoon.


Looking forward to welcoming you on the 18th and 19th of May 2017.

On behalf of the conference team,

With very best regards,



Hein Raat
Project Manager Urban Health Centers Europe, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam

Mrs. Sylvie Carrega
President ELISAN Network

Manuela Lanzarin
Chair of ENSA, Regional Minister for Social Services Veneto Region


Anne Berit Rafoss
Chair Urban Ageing working group EUROCITIES



Hosted by:


Brussels, 18-19 May 2017

The ELISAN, European Local Inclusion and Social Action network, network of elected representatives set up with the support of the Committee of the Regions, with participatory status at the Council of Europe and partner of the Urban Health Centers Europe consortium, is glad to invite ELISAN board members and interested stakeholders to the ELISAN Administrative Board meeting that will be held the 17th of May in the Veneto Region’s Brussels Office.



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