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Thursday 19 May 2017





09.00 – 09.10           Welcome and opening – Nacka Municipality and Conseil départemental du Val de Marne

09.10 – 11.00           Panel  Integrated social and health care of elderly and people with disabilities in Europe


Moderator:    Kerstin Seipel, Municipality of Nacka, coordinator ENSA elderly working group

Key note:      Prof Hein Raat Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Toon Voorham – Prof. Emeritus, PhD, University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam

Panel:            Dr. E. (Elin) Koppelaar Preventing isolation of elderly

Conseil départemental du Val de Marne: Integrated care for people with disabilities

New Salmon Group experiences: “Inspiring actions to overcome differences in ageing and culture”

Johan Warnez, den achtkanter, TRIADE (TRaining for Inclusion of Ageing people with Disabilities trough Exchange)

SIHA, Senior international Health Association, active ageing for patients with chronic pain

Council of Europe (tbc)

European Economic and Social Committee (tbc)


11.00- 12.20 Collaboration proposals:

  • Prof Rens Martijn, Hogeschool Rotterdam: Proposal of Exchange to host students in ENSA Regions University of Applied Sciences R’dam

  • FuturÂge: Next congress in Paris, France

  • Valencia Social Services and Polibienestar of Valencia: Preparing Next ENSA General Assembly “ Social and Health challenges?, the answers of community Care


12.20- 12.30         Conclusions and next steps -  Nacka Municipality and Conseil départemental du Val de Marne


12.30 – 13.30       Lunch




09.00 – 13.30           Closed meeting for EUROCITIES members


COVENANT ON DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE General Assembly 13.30 - 16.30


This meeting will be open to all Covenant members and other interested parties. Vote will however be limited to Covenant full members and ordinary Members in accordance with its Statutes.


•        Welcome, apologies and announcement of quorum, Furio Honsell, President of the Covenant and Mayor of Udine (IT)

Issues concerning the past year

•        Report on activities implemented since the launch of the Covenant, Carina Dantas – Vice-President and Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General

•        Annual ratification of the updated list of members,  Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General GA vote needed

•        Granting of discharge to the directors from the responsibilities arising from the execution of their mandate; GA vote needed

Issues concerning next year

•        Presentation and approval of the work programme and activities  planned for the coming year, including Covenant members’ participation in the SEED Silver Economy Awards, Joan Martins- Vice-President and Rodd Bond, Board member; GA vote needed

•        Presentation and discussion of the various options to raise funds for the Covenant: decision by the GA of the option to be pursued , Sergio Murillo-Corzo, Treasurer; GA vote needed

•        Decision on the membership fees to be applied, if any, Sergio Murillo-Corzo, Treasurer; GA vote needed

•        A.O.B.

•        Concluding words by Furio Honsell, President


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